Saturday, 6 April 2013

Does my cat control me?

Does my cat control me?  Does she rule the roost? When she is on my lap, or anyone's lap in this family, do we call the shots? Do we say, as the so-called dominant species, that we make the rules?  That we may have other, supposedly more important things to do than to relax and stay put while she s-t-r-e-c-h-e-s out on our laps and snoozes the time away?
Do we dare to disturb our princess?  Of course we don't!
Perhaps she is showing our busy little family that it is important to take some time out from our activities and carve out some down-time for ourselves. It has become almost a golden rule in our household that when Tia or her other two kitty siblings are sharing our laps, that we don't disturb them unless we absolutely have to. (You know, if the house burns down, or the basement floods or some other minor emergency ...) 
When our son was a baby we did the same thing with him. Now that he's older and busier and doesn't take too kindly to Mom gazing adoringly for hours at his little face, and those tiny fingers and cute little toes, I guess the cats have taken over that duty. 
Time passes so quickly, and lately it seems that our days are filled with so much busy-ness. 
Yes, when my cats lay on my lap for a snooze, I think I am all the better for it if I let them.  I know I feel so much better after I have spent time doing nothing, with them on my lap. A quiet meditation time, with soft furry comfort thrown in. 
And aren't her little white toes cute?

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