Monday, 22 April 2013

Expanding yet again!

Like I need another online shop ... (lol) This time, I'm adding to my new Society 6 shop here: My main artistwebsite ( and my Etsy shop ( are still active and will remain so - I am just diversifying a little bit more. Society6 is having FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE until Sunday if you're interested in anything there. Please feel free to share. Thanks!
edit: My smaller Zazzle shop is active too. :)

Friday, 12 April 2013

Calico Sky Creations

It's so ironic, isn't it? Here I am with a blog, (a blog! on the Internet!), and yet in person I am such an introvert who doesn't like to talk about myself.  In person, I take a long time to open up to new people (old friends will say I never shut up!). 
Ah well ... I have found one of the benefits of getting older is I am more willing to stretch my boundaries.  Hence this blog, and my photography site, and my Etsy shop, and Zazzle ...
Anyway, I have been working on my 'About' page for my Etsy shop (Calico Sky Creations). I found it really hard to write this, and it will likely change and evolve, but this is what I wrote for now.
Tell me what you think. Is it okay?
I will copy and paste what I wrote here, as well as include the link.  Here's the link:

About CalicoSkyCreations

Calico Sky Creations

I have many interests and hobbies, but among them, my camera and my knitting needles are the main contenders for my spare time. I have a family and a day job, so that spare time is precious to me, to be filled with something I love to do.
About 2 years ago I decided to open a shop here on Etsy, to share, with you, some of my photographs. Since then, this shop has evolved to include not only my photos, but also some of my crafts. Sometimes my son includes some of the photographs and crafts he has created as well. This shop is always evolving and changing.
The name Calico Sky Creations comes from this:
- I have always had a calico cat in my life, I love the Paul McCartney song, Calico Skies, and my son was born at dawn, under 'calico skies'. 
It just seemed to fit.
Remember this shop is always changing, so I hope you come back often to look around.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Wordless Wednesday

*On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title.*

Photo available at both my sites:

Monday, 8 April 2013

My new camera!

My new camera arrived today! It's a Pentax K-30 in a snazzy Crystal Blue colour, and it has more bells and whistles than my older one. (Which I am still very happy with, by the way).  Funny thing is, though, I am feeling quite disloyal to my beloved Pentax KM, like I am betraying her somehow.  (Yes, I know I said 'her' instead of 'it', but she's been my BFF for quite some time now. I'll probably end up having a heart-to-heart talk with KiMmy, telling her that she's still loved by me, it's just there is room in my heart for another Pentax sibling. (Not that I'm anthromorphizing or anything ...)) But she'll have to share her camera bag and tripods. Oh - and her lenses too, seeing as this new one is quite blind without them. (I bought her 'lens-less', because I have several and they are interchangeable.)

Anyway, here is my new family member ... I mean, camera ...

I have to figure out a name now.  Maybe Penny.  Hmmmm.....

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Does my cat control me?

Does my cat control me?  Does she rule the roost? When she is on my lap, or anyone's lap in this family, do we call the shots? Do we say, as the so-called dominant species, that we make the rules?  That we may have other, supposedly more important things to do than to relax and stay put while she s-t-r-e-c-h-e-s out on our laps and snoozes the time away?
Do we dare to disturb our princess?  Of course we don't!
Perhaps she is showing our busy little family that it is important to take some time out from our activities and carve out some down-time for ourselves. It has become almost a golden rule in our household that when Tia or her other two kitty siblings are sharing our laps, that we don't disturb them unless we absolutely have to. (You know, if the house burns down, or the basement floods or some other minor emergency ...) 
When our son was a baby we did the same thing with him. Now that he's older and busier and doesn't take too kindly to Mom gazing adoringly for hours at his little face, and those tiny fingers and cute little toes, I guess the cats have taken over that duty. 
Time passes so quickly, and lately it seems that our days are filled with so much busy-ness. 
Yes, when my cats lay on my lap for a snooze, I think I am all the better for it if I let them.  I know I feel so much better after I have spent time doing nothing, with them on my lap. A quiet meditation time, with soft furry comfort thrown in. 
And aren't her little white toes cute?

Monday, 1 April 2013

Red Crossbill Finch

The Red Crossbill finch has a peculiar bill which allows it to feed on the seed cones of coniferous trees that are its main food. I came across a flock of them yesterday while photographing wildflowers in a field nearby.