One sure sign that fall has arrived for me, besides the date on the calendar, is my nesting instinct kicks in full force! I'm sure it's the same for many of you, as well. Perhaps it has something to do with the cold bug that is lurking in our household, but I want nothing more than to settle in with my tea, my cats, and my crafts.
The weather is still beautiful in my area of the world, but my thoughts have been turning more and more to my knitting. I've nearly finished the first sock of a pair and I'll show you the picture here:
I love it!
Knitting this sock turned my thoughts to adding more knitting stitch markers to my Etsy shop. I have some new sets I made up, and I just need to photograph and list them. I have some really cute owl stitch markers, some birds and butterflies, more dragonflies and ladybugs, and turtles! I'll post them here as well, when I take the photos.
Oh - I've added more bookmarks too!
One of the bookmarks now on Etsy |
Teapot stitch markers |
Speaking of photos, I managed to capture a couple of photos of one of our resident hummingbirds at the feeder on the weekend. I set up the camera on the tripod and waited patiently for him to arrive at the feeder. He'd been watching me the whole time and just when I was about to give up, in he zoomed.
I haven't edited this one yet. I was just happy to be able to catch him in flight! |
My tea has boiled, so off I go. Cheers!
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