Since I opened this blog (yesterday), I have been figuring out how to begin writing in it. You know, debating with myself what would be my first post, writing it all up in my head while I have been folding laundry, vacuuming, and doing other chores. I sound absolutely brilliant (in my head, that is) at these times, brilliant, bright and oh-so-witty, but of course then I promptly forget what I was going to write and so I don't write anything. So here I am, sitting at the computer, waiting for my supper to finish cooking, and I thought I would just do what I normally do (what I am good at doing, that is) and just begin rambling. I'm good at rambling. I've had lots of practice. :) You can tune me out if you like. Just don't be mean about it, okay? I have a soft shell.
Thistledew has been born after many years of me saying to myself and whoever else would listen
'No way am I going to blog. It's so public, and I'm such a private person' (yada yada yada). What changed my mind? I'm not sure. I think I want to just try it, just to see if I like it. After all, I have kept journals off and on my entire life (and that's a considerable amount of years, people). Also, this pushes me outside of my comfort zone just a little, and that's a good thing, right? I tell myself this is just for me and my three readers and things will be just fine.
By the way, the name Thistledew grew from trying to find a name for this blog that wasn't already taken! 'Thistledew' also can be thought of as a play on the words 'this will do'.
Clever, huh? (Okay, well, it's been done before but I thought it was kinda cute). :)
Oh yes, before I go eat my supper, I suppose I should state what will be the focus of this blog. Honestly? I'm not quite sure yet. Bear with me, and I'll figure it out eventually.