Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Some crafty ideas

One sure sign that fall has arrived for me, besides the date on the calendar, is my nesting instinct kicks in full force! I'm sure it's the same for many of you, as well. Perhaps it has something to do with the cold bug that is lurking in our household, but I want nothing more than to settle in with my tea, my cats, and my crafts.
The weather is still beautiful in my area of the world, but my thoughts have been turning more and more to my knitting.  I've nearly finished the first sock of a pair and I'll show you the picture here:

I love it!

Knitting this sock turned my thoughts to adding more knitting stitch markers to my Etsy shop.  I have some new sets I made up, and I just need to photograph and list them. I have some really cute owl stitch markers, some birds and butterflies, more dragonflies and ladybugs, and turtles!  I'll post them here as well, when I take the photos.
Oh - I've added more bookmarks too!

One of the bookmarks now on Etsy

Teapot stitch markers

Speaking of photos, I managed to capture a couple of photos of one of our resident hummingbirds at the feeder on the weekend. I set up the camera on the tripod and waited patiently for him to arrive at the feeder. He'd been watching me the whole time and just when I was about to give up, in he zoomed.

I haven't edited this one yet.  I was just happy to be able to catch him in flight!
My tea has boiled, so off I go.  Cheers!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

A few random treasures

My son has a touch of the flu bug.  I have been working on my sites while he has been sleeping and have managed to get a few more listings nearly ready for posting. In the past week I have been thinking of ways to add more variety to my Etsy shop, and have come up with the idea of adding a few photo sets to the shop.  I will be offering them as sets of four, 4 x 6 photos, and have decided on the first one here: 

Lighthouses of Victoria, B.C.

This is going to be fun!

I was trying to organize my photo files the other day and found a few possibilities for both Etsy and FAA.  They have yet to be posted on both sites but I'm getting there. 
The first is a photo of a sand sculpture from the summer of 2010, photographed at a sand sculpture exhibition in Parksville, B.C.  I cropped the people out of the background of the shop, gave the photo a darker border, and I'm pleased with the result.

I spotted this raccoon near the Stanley Park Aquarium in Vancouver, B.C.  He was quite brazenly wandering around in full daylight, keeping to the shadows but seemingly unafraid.  The photo was originally in colour, but I thought he looked more dramatic in black and white, with a darker border added to the photo.

Butchart Gardens, Victoria B.C.  Always a wonderful place to photograph, as the subjects stand still most of the time! 

Friday, 21 September 2012

Where does the time go?

One of the things I often find myself thinking, is that there is never enough time in my day to do all the things I'd like to do.  Is that self-perpetuating thought? Maybe I need to turn that around to, 'I have all the time I need to complete my chosen tasks'.  What do you think?
Anyway, here is one of my chosen tasks that I have been working on today.  I have been adding to my website with Fine Art America, organizing and changing my galleries, changing the all around 'look' (for now) of my site, and now it's time to get off the computer and do all the other things I have on my list!  Take a look and let me know what you think.  Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

At the Local Fair

Spent some time at the local fair yesterday afternoon. This is one of the photos I took, soon to be available on both my FAA and Etsy sites.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

My Photo of the Day

Here is my Photo of the Day, now available from my FAA site:

Koi Pond

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A few renewed Etsy listings

One of my main hobbies is photography. When I was much younger I had wanted to go into photojournalism as a career, but my life took a different turn.  Mainly, I took a year off after high school and found a job. I was young, and enjoying a steady paycheque and my own independence. The two year waitlist to enter the popular course came and went - and I let it go.  I have often wondered what my life would have been if I had stayed at home and entered the course. I didn't, though, for what seemed like very solid reasons at the time, but my love of  photography has stayed with me. 
I am not a very 'technical' person. My photos are taken more from the heart, and not with too much worry about the technicality of it all. I am learning, though! 
In the past year or so, I have 'gone public' with my photos, and begun to show them online.  I have two online shops (if you scroll down you'll see them by the blog).  One is on Etsy, and the other is my website with Fine Art America.  My Etsy shop also contains some of my knitting and crafts and is continually changing. It contains a good number of my photographs, but not as many as are on my Fine Art America website.  Tonight I have been renewing a few Etsy postings and hope to add some new knitting, once I find time to complete it, that is!  Here are a few of the favourites I have renewed:

"Trees in the Cotswolds" is always popular in Etsy treasuries.

"Village Street", taken on a street in Salisbury, England,
is always a popular choice for treasuries as well.

"Grey Squirrel"
I am working on making a pair of the fingerless gloves below (but in an 'aran tweed' colour), and renewed this listing to the CreationsCrafts Corner section of the shop.

Fingerless Gloves

Sunday, 9 September 2012

First Ever Post!

Since I opened this blog (yesterday), I have been figuring out how to begin writing in it. You know, debating with myself what would be my first post, writing it all up in my head while I have been folding laundry, vacuuming, and doing other chores.  I sound absolutely brilliant (in my head, that is) at these times, brilliant, bright and oh-so-witty, but of course then I promptly forget what I was going to write and so I don't write anything. So here I am, sitting at the computer, waiting for my supper to finish cooking, and I thought I would just do what I normally do (what I am good at doing, that is) and just begin rambling.  I'm good at rambling. I've had lots of practice.  :)  You can tune me out if you like. Just don't be mean about it, okay? I have a soft shell. 
Thistledew has been born after many years of  me saying to myself and whoever else would listen 'No way am I going to blog. It's so public, and I'm such a private person'  (yada yada yada).  What changed my mind? I'm not sure.  I think I want to just try it, just to see if I like it.  After all, I have kept journals off and on my entire life (and that's a considerable amount of years, people). Also, this pushes me outside of my comfort zone just a little, and that's a good thing, right? I tell myself this is just for me and my three readers and things will be just fine.
By the way, the name Thistledew grew from trying to find a name for this blog that wasn't already taken! 'Thistledew' also can be thought of as a play on the words 'this will do'. Clever, huh?  (Okay, well, it's been done before but I thought it was kinda cute).  :) 
Oh yes, before I go eat my supper, I suppose I should state what will be the focus of this blog. Honestly? I'm not quite sure yet.  Bear with me, and I'll figure it out eventually.